7: The Importance of Failing and How to Leverage it into Success with Ralph Burns of Tier 11

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The Importance of Failing with Ralph Burns of Tier 11 on the Truth About Social Ads with Jason Smith
Listen to "7: The Importance of Failing with Ralph Burns of Tier 11" on Spreaker.

RB Ralph Burns is the Founder of Tier 11, a wildly successful Facebook and Instagram ads agency. Today we talk about the certification course I attended, when I was brand new to social media marketing. I was a newbie but everyone saw my drive and determination that week during the training, which eventually helped me land a job with Ralph’s agency. He also shared a wise practice – hire good people – then figure out where they fit in your agency.

You can’t have success without failure, so Ralph and I discuss why everyone needs to be willing to fail AND my biggest failure when I was still new at his agency. He was gracious, and I owned my mistake, and we both learned from the failure (even though the client eventually left). Ralph shares the importance of looking in the mirror when a mistake happens and the processes that his agency has added to minimize failures now.

Everyone can benefit from listening to this podcast as we’re all on a continuous journey to success.

More About Ralph
Ralph is the founder of Tier 11 a very successful Facebook and Instagram Ad Agency and has managed over 100 Million in annual ad spend for their customers.

He’s the Cohost of the Perpetual Traffic podcast and has recently launched a new podcast called Virtual Business where they talk about how to create a successful VIRTUAL business and the tools they use.

Highlights from our Conversation
• The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people.
• The importance of drive and grit.
• My BIG failure!
• My mistake led to a better agency.
• How to reach Ralph.
• How the Virtual Business Podcast started.


Instagram: @tier_11 or https://www.instagram.com/tier_11/

Virtual Business – https://thevirtualbusinesspodcast.com/
Perpetual Traffic – https://tiereleven.com/podcast/

More episodes: http://truthaboutsocialads.com

The Truth About Social Ads

Source: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/7-the-importance-of-failing-with-ralph-burns-of-tier-11

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